Quay Bye-laws
Members and their visitors use the Club premises and all the facilities at their own risk. Neither the Club, nor its Officers accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss howsoever caused.
Quay Spaces
Members of StMSC who are allocated a space may place boats on the Club Quay and outboards/mast/oars in the shed, subject to the following rules which are intended to be of general benefit to all Members:
1. Any Member wishing to use a boat space, engine space, secure storage for oars or masts, or an outhaul, will be required to make an application using the Quay space application form available on the StMSC website. Applications for the following year should be made no later than 31st December.
2. The space applied for must be long enough for the boat (or combined boat and trolley if the boat is to be kept on one).
3. Priority for spaces will be given to those who:
- submit their request by the required date
- make regular use of their engine/boat/outhaul
4. There is no guarantee that a Member will be allocated the same space every year.
5. The boat/outboard/oars/mast must be stowed correctly in the allocated space.
6. The boat or outboard must clearly display a current adhesive label as provided by the Quay Secretary.
7. In the case where a boat is replaced during the season with one of a different length, the Quay Secretary must be informed so an appropriate space can be allocated (if available).
8. Trolleys and dinghies must not be left on the slipways at any time. Please return trolleys to the allocated space.
9. Payments for an allocated space are for a summer or winter season. However, it is recommended that, if possible, boats and engines are removed from the Quay over the winter to minimise theft and damage.
10. Masts must be taken down during the winter.
11. Boats without an allocated space for the summer season may apply for an allocated space for the winter season. Juniors paying for the JST winter training will not pay additional charges for winter storage on the Quay.
If any of these conditions are not complied with, the Club reserves the right to remove the boat/outboard/mast/oars to an alternative storage at the sole risk and expense of the owner. Such craft or equipment remaining unclaimed for a period of six months may, after due notice displayed on the Quay notice board, be disposed of and the proceeds retained for the benefit of the Club.
12. Outhauls must be of non-floating rope. For Quay outhauls, the gear must be fitted so that the lines lie along the beach or seabed.
13. The seaward fixing must not protrude upwards to cause danger to craft using the river.
14. Boats must be moored on their allocated outhauls in such a way as to cause no interference or damage to other outhauls or boats.
15. Only one boat is permitted per outhaul and the length of that boat including outboard in the raised position must not exceed 15 feet.
16. The seaward fixing of the outhaul must not encroach onto the fundus of the river. Specifically, it must not be located below the mean low water mark (42 and 31yards from the south and north end of the quay respectively) or 55 yards from the top of the rocks at the top of the foreshore north of the quay.
17. Payment for an outhaul is for the summer season. Winter storage can also be applied for.
Those allocated an outhaul must comply with the above at all times to ensure that use of the outhaul does not conflict with other users of the river.
In line with the General Rules and the objective of the Club to encourage amateur sailing, it will not be acceptable for those members who have been allocated spaces on the quay or granted use of an outhaul or club mooring to use these for boats involved in any commercial activity. Such use will result in the allocation being withdrawn with immediate effect.
All boats and engines kept on Stoneworks Quay must be insured for third party liability in the sum of £2,000,000. In completing an application form the applicant confirms that such cover is in place and is maintained so long as the boat/ engine is kept at Stoneworks Quay. A copy of the relevant insurance policy will be sent to the Quay Secretary at their request.
If a boat/engine is sold, the space/outhaul used does NOT automatically transfer to the new owner. The new owner MUST apply in the normal manner and the vendor MUST notify the Quay Secretary. The sub-letting of quay spaces and outhauls is not permitted.
Fire extinguishers, medical boxes and fire doors are to be always left unobstructed. If an extinguisher or medical box is used, please report to the Quay Secretary so that replacement can be affected.
All Members using the Quay are asked to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of their equipment. Any theft or damage to the Club or Club Members equipment must be reported to the police as soon as possible. Please also inform the Quay Secretary or any other Club Officer. Regular security patrols of the river are carried out by PRML. Any incidents or suspicious behaviour should be reported to the police on 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency).
Short term storage may be possible and must be arranged through the Quay Secretary. It is strongly recommended that boats and/or engines are removed from the Quay and Quay building over the winter period to reduce the risk of damage and theft.
Vehicular access to the Quay is for loading and unloading only. Cars must not be parked on the Quay or the access lane at any time.
Last updated 17:29 on 2 November 2024