Newsletter Extra - January 2024
Published 14:25 on 9 Jan 2024
January 2024 - Newsletter Extra
I am pleased to let you know that I have recently been able to add 2 extra talks to our events calendar.
Thursday 18 January 1930 hrs. Peter Young has offered to talk and open a discussion about: Global warming - is it real? What is its impact on shipping and what is the maritime industry doing to reduce it? Peter will cover:
- A brief overview of the growth and impact of green house gas emissions and the contribution for the maritime industry
- The steps being taken by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and its decarbonisation pathway.
- What are the banks and the EU doing to support it.
- An overview of the alternative fuels (including sails) and barriers to adoption what is green and what isn't, and what can StMSC contribute to the effort?
Thursday 8 February 2000 hrs. Local pilot cutter owner Debbie Purser will talk about Why I love Pilot Cutters' and show some of her wonderful photographs. Debbie says: I am not a maritime historian, or a conservator of an original pilot cutter, but I have:
- Skippered and maintained 2 replica pilot cutters 38ft Eve of St Mawes and 44ft Tallulah
- Seen many replicas built, and helped original pilot cutters earn income as charter boats through Classic Sailing Ltd
- With my partner Adam and the St Mawes Sailing Club we created the annual Cornish Pilot Cutter Review 2008 - 2024
If you have ever wondered what it is like to sail and own a heavy displacement pilot cutter instead of a yacht, I have loads of slides of the surviving fleet of original pilot cutters that sail today and the equally lovely traditionally built replicas to give you a flavour of the pros and cons of these incredible vessels. Or just come and enjoy the photos and locations.
Catering news: Please order in advance on WhatsApp - 07485 938841
18 January - fish pie with spinach
25 January - roast veg lasagne
1 February - chicken jalfrezi
8 February - shepherds Pie
15 February - spicy sausage casserole with crusty bread.
Last updated 17:41 on 1 September 2024