Newsletter - February 2024

Published 00:00 on 19 Jan 2024
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From Rear Commodore Sailing - Glenn Torpy NEW CLUB WEBSITE is now active - please give it a try! The web address is the same as the old site Members can login to the Members Area by selecting 'Login' in the top right of the Home page, followed by 'Create an Account' on the Login page. A User Guide can be accessed through the website (at the bottom of the Home page) or by following this link User Guide. The site offers many more features than the previous website and we plan to expand its use over the coming months. JST courses can be booked through the website now, and in due course we hope to use the site for booking and paying for social events and more. One of the main features of the site is the Members Area, where members can update their personal information, and decide what personal information they want to be visible to other members. This area also provides access to a number of other functions. Future editions of the Club Yearbook (starting with the 2025 edition) will use the information members provide through the website to populate the Members Directory and other lists so members will be responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the Yearbook. It would, therefore, be very helpful if members can login and, at the very least, update their personal information. We would welcome feedback about the new website so that improvements can be incorporated to make it as user friendly and useful as possible to Club members. If you have any ideas or comments, please email Rear Commodore Sailing at: | |
From the General Committee The Club office will be closed from 19th to 23rd February. The door from the fire escape to the WCs is now locked when the Club is closed. Minutes of the November General Committee meeting are now available for members on the Club Website. To view minutes simply login to your account, scroll to the footer and at the bottom left hand side of the screen click on 'Committee Minutes' under 'Club Documents'. | |
Catering news The clubhouse will be closed on Monday evenings during February The menus for February and March are: Thursday 8th February: shepherds pie Thursday 15th February: spicy sausage casserole Thursday 7th March: lasagne served with salad Thursday 21st March: chicken and leek pie Supper is available from 1830 hrs. Please book in advance by WhatsApp on the bar phone: 07485 938841 Veggie options are available. Please leave a message on the bar phone if you would like more information about these. | |
February Events Please note that there is no event (and no supper) on 1st February Thursday 8th, talk starts at 2000 hrs local pilot cutter owner Debbie Purser will talk about Why I love Pilot Cutters' and show some of her wonderful photographs Debbie says: I am not a maritime historian, or a conservator of an original pilot cutter, but I have: (i) skippered and maintained 2 replica pilot cutters 38ft Eve of St Mawes and 44ft Tallulah (ii) seen many replicas built, and helped original pilot cutters earn income as charter boats through Classic Sailing Ltd (iii) With my partner Adam and the St Mawes Sailing Club we created the annual Cornish Pilot Cutter Review 2008 - 2024 If you have ever wondered what it is like to sail and own a heavy displacement pilot cutter instead of a yacht, I have loads of slides of the surviving fleet of original pilot cutters that sail today and the equally lovely traditionally built replicas to give you a flavour of the pros and cons of these incredible vessels. Or just come and enjoy the photos and locations. Thursday 15th talk starts at 2000 hrs: Rupert Kirkwood, The Lone Kayaker has travelled over 31,000 miles by kayak mostly in Devon and Cornwall. Rupert has captured some beautiful and astonishing wildlife photographs and is particularly interested in cetaceans. Monday 26th: Club film night at the Hidden Cinema. Film starts at 1900 hrs. Sideways directed by Alexander Payne, starring Paul Giamatti, Thomas Hadden Church and Sandra Oh. Two men reaching middle age with not much to show but disappointment embark on a week-long road trip through California's wine country, just as one is about to take a trip down the aisle. Tickets are free, but you need to book your seat here: Dates for your diary: Thursday March 7th : 2000 hrs Rob and Jack Wing will discuss the realities of a post Brexit fishing industry, fisheries management, quota recovery and its implications and finally, the aspiration for a more flexible quota management policy. Thursday March 21st: There are 5 defibrillators in St Mawes. Do you know where they are? Would you know what to do? Come along and find out with Gary and Kate Blake |
Last updated 11:22 on 22 January 2025