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Home / News / Newsletter- April 2024
Home / News / Newsletter- April 2024

Newsletter- April 2024

Published 12:12 on 28 Mar 2024

St Mawes Sailing Club

April 2024 Newsletter



With just one more talk before the racing season begins, I am very grateful to all the speakers who have contributed to some very interesting and entertaining evenings at the Club.  Gary and Kate Blakes recent session on defibrillators left many of us feeling more confident about how to use them.  We also learnt that the best rhythm to use for CPR is in time to Stayin Alive (Bee Gees). It used to be Nelly the Elephant, but not everyone knows that now that Childrens Favourites is no longer on the BBC Light Programme on Saturday mornings! Some people with a dark sense of humour use Another One Bites the Dust (Queen), but that is not one to sing out loud while resuscitating.


The Book Group will meet on 30th April at 1815 in the Clubhouse to talk about Wyl Menmuirs The Draw of the Sea. After a summer break we plan to reconvene in the autumn.


Many thanks to Janice Young for organising Club film nights at St Mawes Hotel.  We hope that the hotel will offer us use of the Hidden Cinema again in the autumn.


We are sorry that Phoebe has left us having provided members with lovely food during the summer and for Thursday talks in the winter, but it is in a good cause. She will be running her own business: Renwicks in St Just Church tea rooms (previously Miss Vs).  We wish her all the very best with her new venture.  Im sure many members will be dropping in.


Diana Lockwood,



From the General Committee


A number of committee members recently took part in an RYA workshop about understanding the needs of your members and plan to ask members to share their views on various areas of Club activities including junior sail training, sailing and racing, catering and bar provision and social events. A separate email will be sent to members when the surveys are on the website. If you would rather email your ideas and thoughts to the relevant committee member, our email addresses are on page 223 of the Club Yearbook.


The minutes of the February general committee meeting are on the website. You need to log in as a member to see them.


Quay Secretary, Nick Leach, would like thank all those who helped with the recent Stoneworks Quay clean up. Luckily the showers held off for long enough!


Repair work to the septic tank at Stoneworks Quay is now complete and the WCs can be used again.  Many thanks to Mike Grice and Ian Matthew for their hard work in getting this completed in time for the sailing season.


April Events


Thursday 4th April. Racing Rules of Sailing. Supper from 1830 hrs. Pizza: ham and mushroom or Margarita.  Please book on the bar phone via WhatsApp 07807 949 291


Talk begins at 2000 hrs.  Neil Andrew will give a presentation that covers the basic rules then follow boats through a race from start to finish, illustrating typical incidents when boats come together. He will then lead a discussion of the rules that apply in each situation, and finish with some examples of protests.


Saturday 27th April. New Members Drinks from 1830 to 1930 hrs. All new members are invited to come along and meet other Club members.  It is an opportunity to find out more about what the Club offers and talk to committee members about what you would like from your Club.  Fitting out Supper. Food will be available for all members from 2000 hrs


Dates for your diary


Sunday 5th May: 1st Early Bird Pursuit Race.  The first pursuit race of the season. See Club Yearbook for all sailing and racing dates i


Saturday 8th June:  Push the Boat Out.  The Club will be holding an open day with opportunities for people who are interested in sailing to come along to see what we offer and have a go at sailing.  More details to follow.


Falmouth Sailing Week: Friday 9th to Saturday 17th August. Information about this years Falmouth Sailing Week is now available online via the PoFSA website Falmouth Sailing Week (   This is one of the highlights of the local sailing calendar and includes a programme of shoreside events.

Last updated 11:57 on 3 July 2024

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