Newsletter - MAY 2024
Published 12:01 on 29 Apr 2024
Photo Credit Mo Durnford: Some boats carry more passengers than others!
During one of the recent named storms (Kathleen) some of the letters were blown off the front of the clubhouse. Luckily nobody was hurt. The C disappeared into the harbour and part of the a was found outside the post office. It currently reads St Mawes S iling lub while our Rear Commodore House sources new letters.
From the General Committee
Now that the Club website is up and running, members can find information about social and racing events, notices about crew wanted and available, NoR and SI, 2024 Race Card, minutes of meetings, Club policies, items for sale and much more.
Members will need to login using their email address and a password to see items in the members area, including a calendar of events and information about social and sailing events. If you have not already done so you will need to enable GoCardless payments for your annual subscription and to book some social events. If you have difficulty creating your account or setting up payments, please ask one of our more computer literate members, or Jane Pearce Club Administrator!
The Club has recently developed an Environmental Policy and Action Plan which are now on the website. The documents are based on RYA templates in consultation with Suzanne Holbrook and family. Since it was first drafted last year John Lewin, Rear Commodore House, has already implemented some of the actions and is looking into a more efficient heating system for the Clubhouse. We will report on progress against the action plan at the AGM. Meanwhile if you have any suggestions or comments please email Diana Lockwood:
From Rear Commodore Sailing: The 2024 race season is about to start with the first pursuit race on 5th May. The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions together with the 2024 race card are now posted on the Sailing page of the Club website. If you intend to race please complete the online Race Entry form at least 24 hours before your first race the earlier the better!
Our new Principal Race Officer, Ian Reid, is looking for volunteer Race Officers and Assistant Race Officers for the coming season. Some slots have already been filled but there are still plenty of gaps. These are vital roles without which we would not be able to run Club racing. There will be an informal get-together at the Club on Monday 20th May at 1930 hrs for current ROs and AROs and anyone who would like to know more.
From Port of Falmouth Sailing Association (PoFSA): Falmouth Sailing Week. The Notice of Race for Falmouth Sailing Week has been published and the entry system is now open. Here is the link to the NoR FSW_NOR_20243.pdf ( Entry fees are the same as 2023. Over the winter a great deal of discussion has taken place with the owners of IRC boats racing in the Bay to formulate an agreeable regatta format. POFSA would very much like potential entries in all classes to register expressions of interest with the Race Office - Those who do so will be eligible for two prizes of free entry for FSW one for the Bay fleet and one for the Carrick fleet which will be drawn on 11 May.
Catering: During the racing season the bar will be open on Sundays from 1200 hrs. Sailors Suppers will be available on Thursday evenings during May. Please book by WhatsApp on the bar phone: 07485 938841
9th May: sausage and mash served with red onion gravy
16th May: lasagne served with a garden salad
23rd May: fish pie served with garden peas and crusty bread
30th May: butter chicken curry served with rice and a poppadom.
Booking for Club buffets: in previous years we have estimated how many members will attend the fitting out and laying up suppers with varying degrees of accuracy. There is no charge to members for these meals as the Club covers the cost, however there have been some occasions when we have over-catered. This year we asked members to book beforehand and gave a deadline for this so that Anna could gauge the amount of food to order and avoid food waste. This system worked well for the Fitting Out Supper.
May Events: The social and sailing calendars are now on the website and in the Yearbook.
Wednesday 29th May: RNLI fundraiser from 1030 to 1230 hrs. The St Mawes RNLI fundraising team invite you to a coffee morning in the Clubhouse. Enjoy the view while relaxing with friends over a hot drink and a slice of cake which will be on sale alongside RNLI merchandise. Non-members welcome. We look forward to seeing you. For further details please call Pat Hearndon 01872 580219
Last updated 17:41 on 1 September 2024